Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

9 Tips for Building Your Body

 To get a muscular body shape, one of which can be reached by way of diligent exercise, which is directed to exercise your muscle growth goals, like fitness. In addition, there are also other ways is through nutrition or food. The food is believed to provide a considerable influence in the formation of the body. Approximately 80% of the successful formation of the body comes from the food consumed. However, for more details about it, I 'll give you 9 ways that would be useful for you and worth a try. What are ya how to get the body into a muscular guy?

9 Tips for Building Your Body

1. Weight training

Weight training involves some form of load equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, machines that use a type of towing rope that can assist you in lifting weights, and other body exercises like pull-ups. Weight training can also increase the production of adrenal hormones that will stimulate muscle growth in the body faster.

2. Eat more calories

Food eaten aims to increase the muscle mass of the body. Eat as if you 've never eaten before. That is, eaten in considerable amounts and high calories. If you do not eat high -calorie food, the muscles of the body mass you certainly will not be increased, even though you 've been doing various exercises. In short, what would be formed if the material needed to build muscle body is not enough.

In order for the newly formed muscles, calorie intake should be greater than calories burned. Caloric surplus will be used by the body to repair damaged muscle tissue during heavy exercise and to build new muscles.

3. Eat more protein

Without protein, your body can not build new muscle. When foods are eaten only high calorie source of carbohydrates, for example, the edges rather than muscular body you even just being fat. Carbohydrates provide energy for the body, while protein provides amino acids for the body to build and repair muscles. To form the body's muscles, you need protein at least about 5 grams of protein per kg of body weight. Or about 40-60 grams of protein per meal. If less protein, the body will take it from the muscles of the body. If drawn muscle protein body, how the body muscles can grow and form right?

High protein foods and exercises supported by a fairly intense body will be able to maximize your efforts in shaping the muscles of the body. Examples of high-protein foods that you can eat are : eggs, beef, buffalo meat, milk, poultry (chicken, duck), fish.

4. Eat more often

To get a muscular body shape, men also need to increase the frequency of feeding. As previously described, to obtain additional body muscle mass, you need to eat calories in large enough quantities. However, the body naturally only able to digest a certain amount of calories in each meal course. The explanation like this : for example, to form muscles, needed calories by 3000 calories per day. If you eat just three meals a day, then you need mengasup 1000 calories each meal. Because the body is unable to digest all the caloric intake (1000 calories), the remaining undigested calories are converted and stored as fat in the body. What is happening is your body instead of becoming obese, rather than muscular.

So the body is able to digest all the required calories (3000 calories) then you need to divide each portion of the calories by eating fewer calories per portion, but the frequency often. Thus all the required calories (3000 calories) to digest all without being converted into fat. You can take as much as 6 times a day but with a smaller portion of the calories/bit.

In one day, you can eat about 2.5-3 hours. The first meal about 15-30 minutes after waking in the morning.

5. Drink Lots of Water

When body muscle building exercises can become dehydrated. To prevent dehydration, then you need to drink plenty of water. Dehydrated body muscles will be hard to repair. Drinking enough water will also help remove toxins and poisons the body. High protein intake is required in the process of muscle formation will result in residual metabolic (poisons) that must be disposed of in the body. Therefore, the water required to dissolve and remove toxins.

6. Eat enough fat

Fat is necessary because fat plays an important role in the production of hormones that are responsible for the growth and strength of muscle and bone. Fat should be consumed is kind of saturated fat is necessary in carrying out the biological functions of the body. The source can be obtained from fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6, for example from fish.

These fatty acids will increase the production of the hormone testosterone, prevent muscle breakdown, increase levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and assist in hormone production. Fat is needed which is about 20-30 grams of fat per meal.

7. drink multivitamins

If you want to build muscle body, then you should not let lack of vitamins, minerals and other substances that the body needs. Vitamins A, C, E, Glutamine, selenium is very important in preventing free radicals, which tend to be more easily formed after weight training.

8. Adequate rest

After doing the exercise and physical activity are quite heavy, so the body needs to rest. The body will only build muscle during rest, not when training. Rest is the time for the muscles of the body in order to grow and form. The more strenuous the exercise is done, the more rest required.

9. consistent

Consistent certainly needed especially in the muscles of the body building. Without consistency, it would be in vain all efforts that have been made ​​. Even the intake of high calorie and fat eaten will only accumulate fat in the body, instead of forming new muscle. Therefore, everything must be done continuously and consistently.

Usually within 12 weeks have seen the results, and if in a week after your biggest muscle building efforts do not increase by ½ -1 kg per week, then you need to increase the intake of calories and protein in the diet.

For a more accurate tips, with a fast time yet safe, you could have one of my recommendation guide that I have proved. The guide is called the muscle maximizer.

The Muscle Maximizer is a complete bodybuilding system that is completely based on your body's somatotype. Actually, there are three of these-mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorty, and each of these types has altogether different effect on the way your body processes the Consumed food and build muscles.

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